Archives: Publications

We focus on transition from school or employment to university and analyze how social network characteristics and the quantity of social capital (SC) influence the assessment of help in selecting a program of study. We analyze data of undergraduate students at a German university and find that SC has an amount and a context effect. […]

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Archives: Publications

In the aftermath of the Bologna Process, Germany decided to open universities for individuals who do not possess a scholastic university entrance qualification but completed vocational education. This paper questions how long it takes until these so-called non-traditional students enroll and compares their routes to university to the routes of traditional students. In this context, […]

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Archives: Publications

Since 2009, German universities were opened by law to freshmen who do not possess the traditional graduation certificate required for entry into University, but who are rather vocationally qualified. In this article, we track the grades of these so-called non-traditional students and compare them to those of traditional students using a longitudinal design. Based on […]

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Archives: Publications

Studierende ohne Abitur rücken in Folge der bundesweiten Hochschulöffnung für berufliche Qualifizierte ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung zunehmend in den Fokus der Hochschulforschung. Dennoch ist bislang unklar, inwieweit die Erhöhung der Durchlässigkeit in Richtung der akademischen Bildung mit einer sozialen Öffnung der Hochschulen einhergeht. Der folgende Beitrag fokussiert diese Frage en détail in Anknüpfung an die Milieuforschung. […]

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