Introduction Currently, information on infection and transmission risks of students and teachers in schools, the effect of infection control measures for schools as well as the contribution of schools to the overall population transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Germany are limited to regional data sets restricted to short phases of the pandemic. Methods We used German […]
Publication type: Journal Articles
Publication type: Journal Articles
Our paper discusses questions of cultural fit in higher education from a cultural sociological perspective (Bourdieu, 1984). Firstly, we address the hinge function of subject-related cultural fit for successful studying. Building on a concept of operationalizing cultural fit using quantitative data (Brändle, 2019, 2021). To this end, we analyze data from the 21st Social Survey […]
Publication type: Journal Articles
Die Rolle von Schulen hinsichtlich des allgemeinen Pandemiegeschehens ist strittig. Um zur Beantwortung der Frage beizutragen, ob Schulen Ausgangspunkte für Infektionsherde darstellen, wurden Daten der Hamburger Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung zu Infektionen mit dem Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) unter Schülerinnen und Schülern (SuS) ausgewertet. Von einer im schulischen Kontext erworbenen […]
Publication type: Journal Articles
Cultural fit is often neglected in (quantitative) research in (higher) education. However, there is a need to reintegrate questions of cultural fit – especially when the diversity of the student body increases and hopes for increasing equity of education remain unfulfilled, still. In this article, I propose a concept of cultural fit, closely tied to […]